The Comedy

Tom and Silas have been going pussy to pussy for years and we finally see it catch up with them. Sadly, sometimes a pussy in the hand isn't always worth two in the pussy.

Based on a true story.

George Arthur Calendar - "Bottomless Tears and Bloody Mimosas"

How do we know what a temperature "Feels Like"? It's a tale older than time itself.

Jordan, “Dancing Cold”

Perpetually cast as black-hearted, whip-wielding, hooven demons who’s only joy comes from the capturing of young ones - the Krampus Family invites viewers into their home as an attempt to prove that their joy isn’t attained solely by child-snatchery. This film chronicles an important tradition in their lives that they get an extreme amount of joy from - Easter.

Sadness Begets Happiness…

This tale touches our souls because we’ve all experienced loss in one way or another. This focuses on how loss can lead to light. Sniffany’s Farewell was created by Danny McCarthy and Jordan Mullins and feature the voice of Emily Serruto and the hauntingly wonderful song “Dear Widow” by Kelsea Rae Copeland.